7 Day Relationship Challenge 2
Here are 7 of the top Christian principles can help your marriage or dating relationship.
2. How He/She Treats You Is a Reflection of Their Relationship with God
It’s really not about you. Everything is about God. Even when people don’t love you well, the reason for their lack of love is really all about their relationship with God. Just as you will not be able to love and serve people well without staying connected to Christ, other people will not be able to love you well if their walk with God is not going well. If someone is showing you beautiful examples of sacrificial love, it is because they are having rich, daily encounters with the God who is love.
Therefore, always support their decision to put God before you. Never complain about their desire to go to church, to go to small group, or to read their Bible by themselves sometimes. To spend time focusing on God, they will need to spend less time focusing on you. So don’t resent this, encourage it, because in the long-run they will be able to love you better if they put God before you.
Also, it helps to keep this principle in mind because it can help you be less hurt when someone doesn’t treat you right. Of course offenses will hurt us. But we will be less offended if we keep in perspective that the reason someone is sinning against us is ultimately because they are sinning against God.
Christian relationship advice: It’s not about you! Even when your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend is taking it on you, God is still the main variable in the equation of a healthy relationship.