Don't Be Afraid of the Dark 3
thank you for helping me find clarity about my purpose. Help me remember that I ultimately can find satisfying purpose when I seek after you. Lord, as I work to understand my purpose more fully, I pray that your joy would be present. I pray for grace and wisdom. Help me long to serve you above myself, even above others. Help me walk daily in dependence of you.
You promised that when I seek You with all our heart, I will find You. I seek only after You. Still my troubled heart. Calm my wayward mind. I seek only after You. I'm never going to be able to figure this out on my own, And right now I'm leaning heavily on You. I seek only after You. I give you all the anxieties and fears I feel inside I release them all to You I seek only after You. I open up my life So that it becomes like an open book before You May You write in it Your words of inspiration and direction. Still my troubled heart. Calm my wayward mind. I seek only after You. I await Your voice.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.