On any given day we can find countless things to complain about. We may even be thinking that life is all that bad with us while there is someone out there is having it worst off and wish they were in your place. But what value can you add to your life by complaining? Will it shorten the length of time that you have to wait or will it prolong it and just make our life miserable and put a damper on our mood and make us more unhappy. We can choose to react to any situation we want, we can allow ourselves to be warped up into a state of negative thinking, or we can make a conscious decision to rise above the trials and be happy!
#9 Let go of your fears and any self defeating thoughts
Many of the things that hold us back in life are as a results of the self-defeating thoughts that we have concocted. They are unreal and more so imaginary and it is what prevents us from moving ahead in life. While in your hour of waiting, by all means stay away from entertaining negative thoughts which will only lead to you feeling depressing and unhappy.