The Bible says that our Light affliction worketh for us a far more exceeding weight in glory. This means that no matter what you face, your suffering is not eternal. In fact your suffering is making you stronger. But if the truth be hold, its hard to hold onto our faith in those "in between" moments. In those moments ,when you are waiting on God for your breakthrough. In between pain and reward, between persecution and paradise, between the crucifixion and resurrection. how do you stay strong when everything around you is falling apart? How do you keep your head up when the wight of the world is trying to bring you down? So often people talk about faith like its an easy thing. Like faith is a recipe and if you follow these easy 1-2-3 steps everything will be alright. But Jesus says sometimes we will have to endure hard trails and deep difficulties, and today we want to help you in those in-between moments when all of life seems to be against you. Here are some tips to help you to keep your faith in Jesus while you are waiting for your blessing.