Psalm 27:13 says "I believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the Land of the living" This psalm reminds me that even when King David was in the mist of tremendous pain, he had the insight to know, that trouble dont last always. I know you feel like what you are going through is trying to destroy you, that you have no choice but to give up, but the devil is a liar.
You must choose to look beyond what is in front of you. You must choose to look beyond the pain you feel and streth your faith towards jesus. Sometimes instead of fighting through your struggle, you need to ask god for the vision to see beyond your struggle. "God, teach me what i cannot see" "God, show me how to respond to all the mess i'm in right now"
The Bible tells us that life is guaranteed to have trials and tribulations. The key to a good life is not ignoring the problems that you face. The key is in believing that your current situation is not the end of the journey.