Growing up my father would always tell me that, "everybody loves to make a change, but very few people want to commit to the change." The older I get, the more truth I see in that statement. People like to treat change and transformation like they are one day events. But change is a slow tedious process of growth. It can't happen overnight. Change is something you have to commit to. And once you make that commitment it compels you to live out a journey in a completely new way.
Over the last few weeks I've heard from many people who are frustrated because their lives are staying in the same place. We've all been in that place where we've failed to see the change we hoped to see. And you question your faith because you thought that if you prayed for it, it would show up. But the hard truth is that you can't just pray a few times or make a few changes. If you want to witness transformation in your life you have to be willing to commit to permanent change. Committing to Change. Committing to the best version of yourself. Committing is the hard stuff of life. It's difficult, but you have to begin to accept the fact that once you transform into God's will you won't look anything like your past self. But when you commit to change you will be a new creature. It's not an easy process, but I'm looking forward to seeing what God does through you.