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Its time to defeat the giants in your life

Its time to defeat the giants in your life

by Ashley Adewuyi

6 years ago

How do we handle the giants that come in our lives; how do we overcome and defeat them? In many cases, a giant can be anything or challenge that comes our way. Whether your giant is stress, financial distress, family problems, negative people speaking about you, unemployment, people mistreating you, etc; the Bible reminds us that just because giants may come in your life, don’t immediately think that you’re defeat and that you can achieve your promise.


Rather, stand firm in knowing what God promised and find the strength to face your giant. This sermon also teaches us that God will sometimes show a preview of the promise, but before we get to our promise we have to come under some circumstances that will challenge us, but we must not lose hope, because to know that God has promised us a tremendously blessing at the end of our journey should give us the hope and strength to face our Giants. So be reminded that you are destined for purpose and not to let any giants keep you from the promise of God.

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