Moments of confusion and distress are opportunities to draw closer to God.
Don't let the devil trick you into thinking God has walked away.
Here is a prayer to help you when you feel lost and disconnected from God:
"Magnificent and Holy God, you promised to never leave nor forsake us. I believe your Word and trust that it will not return unto you void. However, there are moments where I feel distant and disconnected from your spirit. My prayer is that you would fall fresh on me oh God. Reveal your glory in my life.
"Let your light shine on me, so that I bask in the freedom of your presence. Dear God, show me your face. Embrace me wit your loving spirit and walk with me in every area of my life. I want to be closer to you. I want to be in conversation with you in both the good and bad times. I want to not only here, but truly recieve your Word, which promises that all things work together for the good of them who love the Lord and are the called according to your purpose. I give you praise and glory and I believe that it is already done."