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Don't Be Afraid of The Dark

Don't Be Afraid of The Dark

by Ashley Adewuyi

6 years ago

Prayers for Discernment and Wisdom


I pray that You might give me a heart of wisdom. I pray that I will always make wise choices; and when two paths seem to be equal, I pray You will help me to trust You even as I make my decision. Give me a heart that is willing to obey You, to respond in faith to the wisdom You give me. 

 I pray for my family that they might have a heart of wisdom. Keep them from ungodly counsel that seems good, but will, in the end, be destructive. Keep them from following the path of least resistance, and from friends who would lead them astray. 

Teach them, even as You teach me, that the wise path is often the most  difficult path, but in the end, it’s the most rewarding. Direct our paths, O Lord, for we are like sheep who are prone to stray. Make us lovers of wisdom.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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