Don’t despise your beginning
Money! Career! Finances! These are the issues which consume so much of our time. Research says that we actually spend more time at work than we do at home. Many of us are work Jobs we don't like, with people who train us unfairly and we ask "God please deliver me from this job" "God my family needs more money, but i'm not sure how its going to happen"

I will be the first to tell you, there is no quick paths to wealth and financial prosperity. The trust of the matter is, God does desire the best for us. God does desire for us to be Fed and Clothed and have shelter. But the society we live in has made those basic ordained necessities difficult for most of us. Even more, when it comes to having jobs we love, that also give us the money we need to feed our families, this struggle gets even more desperate. But with discipline, sacrifice, and consistency. We can make improvements in our finances. And here is the thing. We must adopt a long-term view of money, and finances. It might be the the work you are doing to improve your finances, will not benefit you, but rather your work will benefit your children, or your grandchildren.